Keep Oconee Beautiful Association
A Keep America Beautiful Affiliate
Working Toward a Clean & Litter-Free Oconee

Photo:: "Matching Colors" by DeMonte
Photo: "Wild Lily", by E. Rhodes-Mims
KOBA is a nonprofit whose mission is to restore and maintain the
natural beauty of Oconee County through
Since 1985, KOBA has been an integral part of pursuing a litter-free environment
in the county through various programs such as Adopt-A-Highway,
elementary school litter-prevention educational programs, Saturday litter pickups,
participation in the Great American CleanUp Day, and more.

News & Events
2nd Saturday Litter PickUp
Join us for one of our upcoming "2nd Saturday PickUps." Grab a friend or co-worker, or come by yourself. Meet at the Food Lion parking lot at the corner of Hwy 123 and Old Clemson Highway at 9 AM. KOBA will provide bags, safety vests, and other supplies. PickUps last two hours. NO PICKUPS IN JUNE OR JULY.
KOBA Earns GuideStar Gold Seal ​
Less than five percent of non-profits registered with GuideStar are recognized with a Gold Seal. A Gold Seal status is the leading symbol of non-profit transparency and accountability.

Elementary School Workshops
Make ‘Reduce, Reuse & Recycle’ come alive in your classroom with educational workshops on environmental sustainability. The workshops are FREE to schools in Oconee County, SC, and meet multiple science & social studies standards.
Each 1-hour workshop focuses on a different recyclable material and includes a hands-on activity. Workshops and their focus include:
Kindergarten: food waste
First Grade: cardboard
Second Grade: paper
Third Grade: plastics
Fourth Grade: glass
Fifth Grade: metal
Invite a "Quest for Less" workshop to come to YOUR classroom!
Contact us at koba@kobasc.com, or register for a presentation at https://express.adobe.com/page/UvzsBZv2hKa3Q